Modern GIS

GIS has become a powerful, widely used tool for GIS in recent decades.

Proprietary GIS Software

GIS is very much rooted in capitalism and the capitalist enterprise. Consequently many of the initial developments in GIS were by for profit companies.

  • ESRI is a leading producer of GIS software. They make ArcGIS Pro, the software package we will be working with most in this class.

Proprietary GIS Software

Proprietary software requires a license and restricts access to source code. Common examples include:

  • Operating Systems: Windows OS, Mac OS, IOS
  • Programming Languages: MATLAB, VBScript
  • Software Packages: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc.), Adobe Illustrator, IOS, ArcMap

Proprietary software licenses are often expensive. They pose a barrier to access many users.

ArcGIS Pro

An ArcGIS Pro license is very expensive!

  • As a UBC student, you get discounted access
  • ArcGIS Pro is a good place to start for new uses
    • Once you learn the basic, you can move on to cheaper options

Open Source GIS

Open Source software is free to use, published under an open copyright license. Users have the right to view, edit, and distribute the source code. Common examples include:

  • Operating Systems: Linux OS, Android
  • Programming Languages: Python, R, Java, etc.
  • Software Packages: Libre Office (Writer, Calc, Impress, etc.), Ink Scape, QGIS

Open source software is more accessible because its free to download and use.


Visit QGIS Homepage

Open Street Maps

Open Street Maps is a freely available public database of geospatial information.

Programmatic GIS

Python, JavaScript, R, etc. can be used to for GSI.

  • I created this webmap using JavaScript.
  • I’ll talk a bit more about these methods later on in the term.

Fremium Services

Companies like mapbox and google provide some geospatial services that are “free” to a point.

  • Google earth engine provides its cloud based computational capabilities to non-commercial users free of charge.

Tophat Question 1

Which term describes freely accessible software that can be accessed, edited, and distributed by anyone?

  • Proprietary
  • Open Source
  • Fremium

Tophat Question 2

ArcGIS Pro is a proprietary software package. It is created and maintained by a private company and requires users to purchase a license to access it.

  • True
  • False

Countering Colonialism

The lands that comprise Canada have histories that stretch back well before the colonial era.

  • Colonial mapping centered on erasing Indigenous peoples and their histories

Ch’ich’iyuy: The Twins Skwxwú7mesh name for “The Lions”

Learning Place Names

The Skwxwú7mesh Atlas is a great resource for learning about Skwxwú7mesh Place Names.

The xʷməθkʷəy̓əm nation has put together a great resource for as well!

Tophat Question 3

Historically, many colonial mapping efforts focused on erasing Indigenous identity and territorial claims. However, modern GIS, particularly open source, web based applications can help counter those historic colonial narratives.

  • True
  • False