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Module 6 Quiz

You can submit your answers to these questions via the Module 6 Quiz on Canvas. Questions are listed here with hyperlinks to the relevant section of the lab if you need help finding answers.


Written answers and maps will be evaluated using the rubric below and your TA will provide brief comments where applicable.

  • If you need more feedback you can follow up with your TA via email or in lab.
  • Categories are just general guides
    • Your TA may assign scores between these levels
Category Written Answers Map/Chart Submissions Score
Missing N/A N/A 0%
Insufficient Missing major key points or serious logical flaws Serious errors in analysis, missing data, or major stylistic issues 25%
Below Expectations Missing a few key points or minor logical flaws Minor errors in analysis or multiple stylistic issues 50%
Meets Expectations Hits key points and mostly well constructed Error free analysis, minor stylistic issue 75%
Exceeds Expectations Clearly thought out, concise, and astute Error free analysis and clean, aesthetically pleasing map 100%

Written Answers

Written answers can be brief but they should adequately answer the question.

  • Bullet point format is okay unless otherwise specified

File Submissions

Map/charts/figures will be evaluated for completeness and aesthetics.

  • Files should be saved as using the file type specified (.pdf, .png, etc.)
    • Make sure to double check the file before uploading!

Quiz Questions

1 List the risk classification score for each of the shelters. If the shelter did not have a risk classification, you can list it as “N/A”

Echo Community Centre: AW Neil Elementary: 5100 Tebo Ave:

2 Submit a .pdf of the model you created to identify the inundation zone.

3 Submit a .pdf of the map you created to showing the updated inundation zone.

4 Write a paragraph or two comparing the method used in Module 5 (previous method) model to identify the Inundation Zone vs. the method used in this Module 6 (this assignment) to identify the Inundation Zone. Things to consider: What tools/steps were used in each model? Which do you think produces a more useful result? What are some potential pros/cons of the different methods?

5) Use the information presented in this video to write a paragraph or two discussing how racial bias has permeated our tech systems and some of the things that need to be done to counter these issues.

6) Read the highlighted portions of Chae et al. (2015) on racism and health outcomes. Then use this information to a couple paragraphs outlining what they found, how the type of data they used can be a useful alternative for traditional metrics, and what are some potential limitations to this type of research.