Lab Assignment Questions

You can submit your answers to this Lab Quiz questions on via the corresponding Canvas Quiz. Questions in this document are hyperlinked to relevant content incase you need help finding answers. Feel free to work with peers in the lab, but make sure all work submitted is your own. Written answers can be brief and bullet point format is okay unless otherwise specified.


Written answers and figure submissions will be evaluated using the rubric below and your TA will provide brief comments where applicable. Maps, charts, and other figure submissions will be evaluated for completeness and aesthetics. For Lab 1, as long as you can make a map with the necessary elements, you’ll get full credit! As the term progresses, figure submissions will be evaluated to a higher standard.

Table 1: Lab Quiz Rubric
Category Written Answers Figure Submissions Score
Missing 0%
Insufficient Missing major key points or serious logical flaws Serious errors in analysis, missing data, or major stylistic issues 25%
Below Expectations Missing a few key points or minor logical flaws Minor errors in analysis or multiple stylistic issues 50%
Meets Expectations Hits key points and mostly well constructed Error free analysis, minor stylistic issue 75%
Exceeds Expectations Clearly thought out, concise, and astute Error free analysis and clean, aesthetically pleasing map 100%

Quiz Questions

Unless otherwise specified, numeric answers have a margin of error of 0.01, so give all responses to at least the hundredths place.

  1. What does the example presented in Ludwin et al. 2005 say about the value that the sciences have historically attributed to traditional knowledge when it comes to understanding our world? Hint

  2. The maximum wave height recorded at Tofino was only ____ meters. Despite this, wave heights exceeded 8 meters in Port Alberni. Hint

  3. Look back at Ludwin et al. 2005, specifically at the story of Pachena Bay (bottom pg 142 to top of pg 143). You can find a full transcription here. Find Pachena Bay on google maps. Where is it relative to Port Alberni? What can you infer from this story, the account in Fine et al (2008), and the simulation of wave heights about how a megathrust earthquake occurring just off of the coast of Vancouver Island would impact Port Alberni? Hint

  4. Why do we use a feature dataset to hold all our input layers? Hint

  • No reason
  • So everything is neatly grouped in one folder
  • To ensure all our vector data is in the same projection, the feature dataset will automatically re-project our vector data when importing
  • To ensure all our vector and raster data is in the same projection, the feature dataset will automatically re-project our vector and raster data when importing
  1. Why are we using model builder for this analysis? Select all that apply Hint
  • Your analysis is easily repeatable when using model builder
  • You can easily update your analysis
  • You can visualize your workflow
  • You can share your workflow with others
  1. How many km of roads are at risk? Rounded to the nearest tenth km is fine. Hint Open the attribute, of PA_Roads_Flood, click right Click Shape_Length >> Statistics to find the sum. Note make sure to use the answer for the model run with the 10m threshold. Hint

  2. How many km of roads are at risk after updating the model to account for the new wave height (15m) estimates? Rounded to the nearest tenth km is fine. Note this answer will be higher than your answer to the question above because we increased the threshold. Hint

  3. How many properties (of any kind) are at risk of flooding? Note make sure to use the answer for the model run with the 15m threshold. Hint

  4. How many people are potentially at risk of displacement? Round up to the nearest whole number Hint

  5. Why were you instructed to round the answer to the question above? Hint

  • Population counts are continuous data
  • Population counts are discrete data
  • Population counts are qualitative data
  • Population counts are interval data
  1. Upload your PA_RiskAssessment_Model.pdf Hint

  2. Upload your Properties_at_Risk_Chart.pdf Hint

  3. Upload your PA_RiskAssessment_Final_Map.pdf Hint