Data Types, Classification, & Visualization

This module is all about data! What is data and how do we represent it in a computer? First, we will focus on data more broadly, then we will take a look at what makes spatial data so special in the next module.

Learning Outcomes

  • What is Data?
    • Overview of different types of phenomena
    • Discussion of data types & measurement scales
  • Overview of different data classification methods
    • Discussion of descriptive statistics
    • Supervised vs. unsupervised methods
    • How do they relate to data types
    • Why classify data
  • Data normalization methods
  • Pointers for effective data visualization
    • Importance of color choice
    • Clean, effective displays of information
  • Use Simply Analytics to download Canadian census data
  • Apply different data classification methods
  • Practice creating effective visualizations

What is Data?

Before we think about how we represent data in a GIS specifically, we need to take a step back and think about what data is?

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Data Classification

In order to visualize and share our data effectively, we usually have to simplify it first. For this, we rely on a number of different data classification methods.

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Data Visualization

It is important to display your results in an clean, transparent, and accessible way.

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