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Module 1 Quiz

You can submit your answers to these questions via the Module 1 Quiz on Canvas. Questions are listed here with hyperlinks to the relevant section of the lab if you need help finding answers.


Written answers and maps will be evaluated using the rubric below and your TA will provide brief comments where applicable.

  • If you need more feedback you can follow up with your TA via email or in lab.
  • Categories are just general guides
    • Your TA may assign scores between these levels
Category Written Answers Map/Chart Submissions Score
Missing N/A N/A 0%
Insufficient Missing major key points or serious logical flaws Serious errors in analysis, missing data, or major stylistic issues 25%
Below Expectations Missing a few key points or minor logical flaws Minor errors in analysis or multiple stylistic issues 50%
Meets Expectations Hits key points and mostly well constructed Error free analysis, minor stylistic issue 75%
Exceeds Expectations Clearly thought out, concise, and astute Error free analysis and clean, aesthetically pleasing map 100%

Written Answers

Written answers can be brief but they should adequately answer the question.

  • Bullet point format is okay unless otherwise specified

File Submissions

Map/charts/figures will be evaluated for completeness and aesthetics.

  • For module 1 as long as you can make a map with the necessary elements, you’ll get full credit!
    • Later in term, maps will be evaluated to a higher standard
  • Files should be saved as using the file type specified (.pdf, .png, etc.)
    • Make sure to double check the file before uploading!

Quiz Questions

Map Projections

1) In your own words, describe what a map projection is. Why do we use them and why are they all wrong?

ArcGIS Pro Tutorial

2) Upload your Central_Wellington_Layout.pdf.

3) What does the select layer by attributes tool do?

  • Find features that meet specific criteria.
  • Find features that are in a specific area.
  • Find features based on their spatial relationship to other features.

4) A __ in ArcGIS Pro is a way to put a map on a page and map elements like a north arrow, legend, scale bar, and extent indicator.

  • Map frame
  • Layout
  • Data view
  • Geoprocessing pane

5) What tool was used to create the 1500 meter zone around the campsites?

  • Select by location
  • Buffer
  • Intersect
  • Select by attribute

6) What is the first step when creating a new point layer?

  • Create a polygon feature class in the project geodatabase
  • Create a raster dataset
  • Make sure you are zoomed into your area of interest.
  • Create point feature class in the project geodatabase

Foundations of Epidemiology

7) In your own words, what is belief perseverance and how did it inhibit the development of European medicine? Give your own example of belief perseverance. This can be a historical example or one from your own personal experience.

8) In your own words, what does georeferencing do?

9) A __ is a file management structure that is unique to ESRI products.

  • Folder
  • Zipfile
  • Shapefile
  • Geodatabase

10) How many cholera deaths were recorded in this outbreak? __ How many locations (points) are in the dataset? __ What is the highest number of deaths at one location? __

11) __ point symbols are sized differently to convey magnitude/intensity.

  • Triangular
  • Sequential
  • Graduated
  • Bigger

12) What do the mean center and directional distribution tell us about a set of points?

13) Why might Kernel Density be more useful for identifying the source of a source(s) of a cholera outbreak outbreak than the mean center and directional distribution?

14) Upload your Kernel_Density.pdf.